Side Effects is an upcoming psychological thriller film directed by Steven Soderbergh from a screenplay written by Scott Z. Burns. The film stars Jude Law, Rooney Mara, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Channing Tatum. The film follows a young woman who experiments with prescription drugs as she waits for her husband's release from jail.
Open Road Films announced that the United States release date for Side Effects will be February 8, 2013.
Jonathan Banks (Jude Law) is a successful psychiatrist who begins having sessions with Emily Taylor (Rooney Mara), a young married woman who is dealing with the jail release of her husband Martin (Channing Tatum). When Emily is reunited with Martin, Banks prescribes a drug called Ablixa to treat Emily's anxiety disorder. Soon after taking the drug, Emily awakens to find a dead body in her apartment, having murdered the person. Banks is then heavily criticized, investigated and questioned whether it was Emily's intention to murder the person, or if she is a victim of his medical treatment.
- Jude Law as Dr. Jonathan Banks
- Rooney Mara as Emily Taylor
- Catherine Zeta-Jones as Dr. Victoria Siebert
- Channing Tatum as Martin Taylor
- Vinessa Shaw[3] as Dierdre Banks
- Polly Draper as Emily's Boss
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