The film is directed by Tom Hooper, scripted by William Nicholson, and stars an ensemble cast led by Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe. Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, Eddie Redmayne, Samantha Barks, Sacha Baron Cohen, Helena Bonham Carter and Aaron Tveit also star in supporting roles. The film tells the story of Jean Valjean, a former prisoner who becomes mayor of a town in France. Valjean agrees to take care of Cosette, the illegitimate daughter of Fantine, and must avoid being captured again by Javert, a police inspector.
Development of Les Misérables began in the late 1980s. After the musical's 25th Anniversary concert in October 2010, producer Cameron Mackintosh announced that the film resumed development. Hooper and Nicholson were approached in March 2011 and the main characters were cast in 2011. Principal photography of the film commenced in March 2012, and took place in various locations in Winchester and Portsmouth in Hampshire, England, as well as Paris in France.
Les Misérables is scheduled to be released on 25 December 2012 in the United States and on 11 January 2013 in the United Kingdom.
Jean Valjean (Hugh Jackman), a Frenchman imprisoned for stealing bread, has broken his parole and must flee from police Inspector Javert (Russell Crowe). The pursuit consumes both men's lives, and after two decades on the run, Valjean finds himself in the midst of the 1832 June Rebellion in Paris.
- Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean
- Russell Crowe as Inspector Javert
- Anne Hathaway as Fantine
- Amanda Seyfried as Cosette
- Isabelle Allen plays Cosette as a child.
- Eddie Redmayne as Marius Pontmercy
- Samantha Barks as Éponine
- Natalya Angel Wallace plays Éponine as a child.
- Helena Bonham Carter as Madame Thénardier
- Sacha Baron Cohen as Thénardier
- Aaron Tveit as Enjolras
- Daniel Huttlestone as Gavroche
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