Gangster Squad is an upcoming crime film directed by Ruben Fleischer, from a screenplay written by Will Beall, starring Josh Brolin, Ryan Gosling, Nick Nolte, Emma Stone, and Sean Penn.
It is the story of LAPD Detectives who are attempting to keep Los Angeles free of gangsters during the 1940s and '50s. The film was originally set to be released September 7, 2012, but in the wake of the 2012 Aurora shooting, the film was bumped to a January 11, 2013 release date by Warner Bros. Pictures.
A chronicle of the LAPD's fight to keep East Coast Mafia types out of Los Angeles in the 1940s and 50s as six police officers and detectives must protect the law by breaking it, taking on Mickey Cohen and his gang
- Josh Brolin as Sgt. John O'Mara
- Ryan Gosling as Sgt. Jerry Wooters
- Sean Penn as Mickey Cohen
- Nick Nolte as Chief Bill Parker
- Emma Stone as Grace Faraday
- Anthony Mackie as Det. Rocky Washington
- Giovanni Ribisi as Det. Conway Keeler
- Michael Peña as Det. Navidad Ramirez
- Robert Patrick as Det. Max Kennard
- Josh Pence as Daryl Gates
- Frank Grillo as Jimmy Reagan
- Mireille Enos as Connie O'Mara
- James Hébert as Mitch Racine
- Haley Strode as Marcia Keeler
- Sullivan Stapleton as Jack Whalen
- Maxwell Perry Cotton as Charlie
- Lucy Walsh as Manicurist
- Troy Garity as One-Eyed Assassin
- James Carpinello as Johnny Stompanato
- Jon Polito as Jack Dragna
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