Rise of the Guardians is an upcoming 2012 American 3D computer-animated fantasy-adventure film based on William Joyce's The Guardians of Childhood book series and The Man in the Moon short film by Joyce and Reel FX. Produced by DreamWorks Animation and directed by Peter Ramsey, the film will be released on November 21, 2012 in North America, and on November 30 in the United Kingdom. Joyce is also exec-producing, along with Guillermo del Toro.
Rise of the Guardians stars Chris Pine, Alec Baldwin, Hugh Jackman, Isla Fisher and Jude Law. It will be the last DreamWorks Animation film to be distributed by Paramount Pictures, as DreamWorks Animation has signed a 5-year distribution deal with 20th Century Fox, starting in 2013.
Jack Frost (Pine) is a carefree boy who has no responsibilities in the world aside from bringing winter wherever he goes. But everything changes when Pitch (Law), the Nightmare King, begins his plan to engulf the world in darkness. The Guardians, Santa Claus (Baldwin), the Tooth Fairy (Fisher), the Easter Bunny (Jackman) and the Sandman enlist Jack to join their group to stop Pitch and protect the children of the world.
Chris Pine as Jack Frost
Alec Baldwin as North (Santa Claus)
Hugh Jackman as Bunnymund (Easter Bunny)
Isla Fisher as Tooth (Tooth Fairy)
Jude Law as Pitch (The Boogeyman)
Dakota Goyo as Jamie
Khamani Griffin as Caleb
Dominique Grund as CupCake
DreamWorks Animation has something special up its sleeve with this adaptation of William Joyce’s The Guardians of Childhood books. For starters, they hired Hugh Jackman to voice a truly intimidating version of the Easter Bunny with his natural Aussie accent. That alone seems reason enough to check this one out. Pair him up with a silent Sandman, Alec Baldwin’s Russian-sounding Santa, Isla Fisher as the Tooth Fairy and Chris Pine as a young Jack Frost, and you’ve got the makings of a magical holiday crossover flick the likes of which we haven’t seen since The Nightmare Before Christmas. Once again handling art direction duties is DreamWorks regular Max Boas (Kung Fu Panda, Shrek Forever After), with Peter Ramsey stepping into the role of director for the first time. After spending two decades working his way up in the entertainment biz, Ramsey has the distinction of being the first African American to direct a big-budget CGI animated film. Here’s hoping things go well for him on opening weekend.
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